XAMPP stands for X (for the four operating system supported) A (Apache) M (MySQL) P (PHP) P (Perl).
"XAMPP is a, easy to install, Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start."
Ok, so what does all of that mean? It means that xampp is a package that installs a web server in our computer with all the things we need to create a database, administrate it, run php scripts and much more.
So for us to install it we have to download it. GO to http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
Click on XAMPP for Windows and scroll down a little.
Now download the xampp setup by clicking on the exe link, save it somewhere in your computer and run it (double click on it).
After installation is over a command prompt window starts for configuration. If you want shortcuts on start-menu and desktop type Y.
To this option I recommend you to type Y.
Type N. We do not need a portable version of Xampp. The propose of this tutorial is not how to install xampp in different ways.
This is just info, so type enter(return key).
The setup is over so type X to close the window.
Labels: Joomla 1.5
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