How to add captcha in registration of joomla 1.5?

The previous article has mentioned about recaptcha. This article we will show the detail how to add recaptcha to register page.

First read this article to download recaptcha plugin and config it.

Then go to folder components/com_users/controller.php line 61 and place this:

global $mainframe;

Finally, go to template file in components/com_user/views/register/tmpl/default.php or in folder template/template_name/html/com_user/register/default.php and insert this:

<?php global $mainframe;
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onCaptchaDisplay'); ?>

at where you want.

This can help you stop spammer from register automatically and spam you forum.

Hope this is helpful.

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An easy way insert captcha in any module or component of joomla?

A popular way to stop spammer from spamming is using captcha. But writing an own captcha will take a lot of time. There is one simple way to solve this problem is using Joomla reCAPTCHA Integrator Plugin. It uses an external captcha from now belong to google

How to use it:

1. Download it from:

2. login to to get reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private Key. Or you can use mine:

ex: public key: 6Lf6AssSAAAAAEvaWJr-DvFPAj5pXLQeZaeP_zTX private key: 6Lf6AssSAAAAAJLFx2HpG86yCwEoskIpW3ZQ7Znk

3. Install , enable and enter public and private key

4. In HTMLmodule insert {captcha} where you need to display captcha

5. In general please insert


global $mainframe;
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onCaptchaDisplay'); {/code} to display captcha.

6. If Auto-verify with reCAPTCHA option is enabled, the plugin will check if captcha verification data exists then automatically connect to reCAPTCHA and ask for confirmation. This method requires a little more system resource on every page load but really useful if you have many pages need captcha verification.
If you don't want to enable captcha verification globally but for just few pages then you might want to disable Auto-verify with reCAPTCHA option. To verify user response, insert the following PHP code to the controller file of individual Joomla! extension where captcha verification needed:
global $mainframe;
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onCaptchaConfirm'); {/code}

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How to prevent spammer in forum kunena?

Many joomla programmers use forum kunena. After a time, there are many articles are posted automatically by spammers. There is some way to stop it.

you can use component: Spam killer for kunena. But many people say it doesn't work. So it is not a good way.

After a time thinking, I find that these spammer relate to com_users to register user automatic, posting article automatic by some code inside forum kunena. If we stop spammer registration, we can stop these annoyed things.How can we do this? JWUSER is a good solutions.

1. Fist, download jwuser. Choose the suitable version for yourjoomla 1.5 ,Joomla 1.6 ,Joomla 1.7 website.

2. Then, config your website at global configuration: not allow register for new user.

3. Set the registration page of your website to registration page of jwuser.

Everything run as before, you also have more option from jwuser. No spammer can post article in kunena forum.

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How to detect template is on frontpage in joomla?

Many programmers want to put a script in joomla template that only run at home page. I recommend here two solution that i get from digital point forum:

1. Solution 1

you can simply put a module position and make it only display on frontpage. When this module display, it means we are on front page. Put a code of javascript here. For example: you have a funtion myonload() {...}; put in the area of this module. Hope that help you!

2. Solution 2

Put this code between tag of template:

 getActive() == $menu->getDefault()) { ?>  

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How to auto insert link to keyword and description to image in joomla?

There is hundreds of article in one website. Each article, we always want to have some link refer to our website. It takes a lot of time to do it manually. In joomla, there is a plugin name jwseolink can help you solve this problem.

jwseolink search for keywords automatically, then replace them with the tag a, then insert link that you want to put at every keyword.

In jwseolink versionJoomla 1.7, it also search for images, then insert the attribute alt, and title with value is the article title if author did not used it.

You can download and read more tutorial at:

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How to display menu of component in creating menu in joomla 1.6, joomla 1.7?

There a bit different in joomla 1.5 and later version joomla 1.6, joomla.17. In joomla 1.5, in view folder, we have view.html.php, metadata.xml, folder tmpl with default.php inside. But in joomla 1.6, joomla 1.7, it is: view.html.php, folder tmpl with default.php and default.xml. This file default.xml is like metadata.xml. A simple default.xml is like this:

Now, turn back to your admin site. Check again, it has been displayed.
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How to disable component on front page?

In most template, the component always display at one position. If there nothing to display, it still stand there, that make our page seem ugly. There is an easy way to handle this problem for five step.

Step1: Create a new module position. For example we create module position intro:

countModules('intro')) : ?>

Step2: Change the code display component to like this:
countModules('intro')) : ?>

Step3: Create a module (blank custom html module) at intro position, set it display only at home
Every thing 's done. Your frontpage will not display component.
Thinking like this way, we can modify where and when the component display in our website. It is not stay at the same position from page to page.

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Joomla Plugin auto insert links for keywords - a good seo plugin

This plugin will replace keyword by a link with keyword. IT will search for all keywords in content, and replace it with tag . This is really helpful for your site seo.

For example you have this article, with key words: joomla 1.6 ; website and link:; :

After you install Joomla 1.6 you will see a text in the content area “Home”. This is actually a breadcrumbs area. When you navigate to other pages or categories you will see the category links appended to the “Home”. It’s basically a link map of all the pages you visited on your website. Just like when you visit or, you will see all the links you went through on the website to get to your current page. Although helpful, it is not entirely necessary.

After you install this plugin you will have:

After you install joomla 1.6 you will see a text in the content area “Home”. This is actually a breadcrumbs area. When you navigate to other pages or categories you will see the category links appended to the “Home”. It’s basically a link map of all the pages you visited on your website. Just like when you visit or, you will see all the links you went through on the website to get to your current page. Although helpful, it is not entirely necessary.


  • keywords must ending with a space.
  • If number of keywords > 1, user ; to separate these keywords.
  • Each keyword must have one link.
  • For exmple
  • keyword is: keyword1 ;keyword2 then link is: link1;link2
  • Delete cache before refresh your page to see the result quickly

Why you need plugin jwseolink?

When the content must be upgrate continuously, the keyword we seo would be changed quickly. It takes much time if we rewrite the old article. It must be a technique for us to do it quickly. JWseolink is the best solution for you.

You can download jwseolink1.5 or jwseolink1.6 at

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Tutorial of jwuser version 1.3 for joomla 1.6 have released new version of jwuser, it is jwuser version 1.3 for joomla 1.6.

As we know, in joomla 1.6, the user system of joomla have changed a lot. It have different group, and user can defined group. Jwuser v1.3 have to change the core of previous version 1.2 to suitable with it. In this version, jwuser will manage your users of your site with com_user of joomla. You can modify information of your website users in jwuser or in joomla user. Website user can also modified their information at front-end by myaccount page of jwuser.

You can still use the system activation of joomla. When your website user have to pay to register, this activate system is not useful. You can turn it off at component user of joomla.

You can see tutorial how to disable new account registrations in joomla 1.6 here.

Remember, add your user into jwuser component, and enable it before you install plugin jwlogin v1.3, and enable it. After that, if you link to uninstall jwuser component, remember unable jwlogin first for later login.

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How to disable joomla 1.6 new user registrations

To remove the register link on your Joomla 1 .6 site, here is how to do it:

1. Login to your Joomla 1.6 Administrator backend.

2. Click on ‘Users’, User Manager’. Click on the button on the right side Options‘.

3. Set ‘Allow User Registration’ = “No”

That’s it. Save your options and refresh your site. You will see in the login part of your screen, the Register link is no longer there. To add it back you can go through the same channels and set ‘Allow User Registration’ = “Yes”.

To manage your Users better, you can use jwuser. It helps you to add more field, more group and many other features. You can download it here and see jwuser v 1.3 toturial for more detail.

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How to add component submenu in joomla 1.6

Joomla 1.5 programmer will be confused about submenu of component. In joomla 1.5, they don't have to worry, it automatic displays when we add submenu by xml install file or insert dirrect to jos_component table in database. Now in joomla 1.6, it is not like that. We have to add it manually.

My suggestion is that we add it in toolbar file with this:

$vName =$task;
JSubMenuHelper::addEntry( JText::_('name'), 'link_to_your_task', $vName == 'taskname' );

$task is your task or view of your component. The first line let joomla know which menu is active. IF you have 5 menu, replace the taskname, name, and link by 5 menus name, taskname and link.

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Jwuser tutorial- config payment gateway and one user access by jwuser 1.2

We are very happy to inform you that new version of jwuser: jwuser 1.2 have been release. In this version we have some new points:

It has been integrated with paypal payment. User can automatic register, choosing package, and auto publish after payment.

It has been integrated with a counter that make sure that one account can be accessed by one user of an computer (that means one account can be logined for only one ip at a time)

You can download jwuser 1.2 at

Remember to run the second function, you have to uninstall the older plugin jwlogin, download and implement plugin jwlogin v1.2. After install, please go to plugin management. Change the order of the plugin jwlogin to number 1 and plugin joomla to number 2. Click save and finish.

Every error and other questions, please comment here.

If you feel that it is useful for you please click google like or donate us. Thank you for reading.

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A module of latest classified of list bingo

The last two tutorials I have said about how to remove the power by of listbingo and how to show all item of list bingo. This time i will talk about how to create latest classified of list bingo.

First: please download the source file at that include one controller and a latest classifield module.

Then: Unzip the file, copy the latestad.php to controller folder. Then install this module. It will display newest classified of all country. We can do this by an ajax call to file latestad controller.

If you like this and it's helpful for you, please donate us or click google like. Thank you for reading.

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How to raise up your website page rank at

There is an easy and quickly way for you to increase yours website page rank by adding your website to webdirectory at . Here is 3 step to subscribe your webiste:

Step 1: Login as your account

Step 2: Click to Open Webdirectory

Step 3: Enter your website link and its description

You have finished all step. Now you can see result:

If you want to change or delete your website, please click to my website.

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A new good user and membership management component for joomla 1.5

There some good user and membership management but it is not free. Now we present here a new good user management component, jwuser component for joomla 1.5.

Through this component, user can:

  • register by his own register page.
  • login through mod user login
  • choose for themselves a package with time before expired
  • can upgrade package throught edit page

Administrator can:

  • Add, edit or delete users
  • Add, edit or delete extra field for user registration.
  • Add, edit or delete group (package) of user
  • Import user from com_users to com_jwusers
  • Check to unpublish expired users.

You can download here for version 1.0: jwuser v.10

Some images from component:

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Hack joomla core - Registration without email

In joomla registration, email is required field. In some case, we want user have right to enter email or not, we have no config field to choose. It 's the reason why we have to change some code of joomla.

If you want user can register with no required email field, there are 2 step:

1. go to library/joomla/database/table/user.php

Go to line 155 and delete:

if ((trim($this->email) == "") || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($this->email) ) {

$this->setError( JText::_( 'WARNREG_MAIL' ) );

return false;


Go to line 182 and delete:

// check for existing email

$query = 'SELECT id'

. ' FROM #__users '

. ' WHERE email = '. $this->_db->Quote($this->email)

. ' AND id != '. (int) $this->id


$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );

if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {

$this->setError( JText::_( 'WARNREG_EMAIL_INUSE' ) );

return false;


2. Go to database by phpadmin or whatever

- Check the email field in jos_users that can insert null field

- delete the unique key of email field

Everything 's done. Hope that help!

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Some beautiful image gallery module

There are hundreds of image module gallery, but i list here 2 module that I suppose that they are the best.

1. Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow

You can download Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow version in joomla 1.5 here.

There are many option for us to choose the type of effects of transitions


This module user flash object, it load slowlier than the Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow module, but we can insert description. There many parameter for us to config.

You can download version in joomla 1.5 here, and joomla 1.6 here.

Install and try. You can also perchase a commercial version at owner site.

See demo link here.

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A module to create beautiful image button

Sometimes we want to create a simple image button with some action like change from black to color. With jwimagebutton it's very easy.

First, you create 2 images one is white-black color and one is colorful.

Then download jwimagebutton from

Finally fill the path of image, the url, and the image title. The uniqueid is use when we user more than one module in a same page.

See the demo for more detail.

Hope that's will help you.

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How to create a folder with read and write permission in joomla?

In many modules, example module jvheadline, jvnews, or some module for slide show, it is usually need a written permission for thumbnail image folder. Some you can change write permission by fpt, but some time image folder is created by command for example: JFolder::create($thumbImgFolder); .

We should change this command into: JFolder::create($thumbImgParentFolder,0777);

This will set written permission for this folder right after it is created.

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How to have same user of two different sites?

When we have a system of relate site, and we want they have the same user. It will decrease the time of user to register new account. How to have the same accounts?

I have a solution for this problem.

We have to install these database in one server. For example we have two database joomla. We drop the jos_user of the second database. Then, user the root account to execute the sql command follow:

"CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`user_root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `databasename2`.`bus_users` AS select `databasename1``.`jos_users`.`id` AS `id`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`name` AS `name`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`username` AS `username`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`email` AS `email`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`password` AS `password`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`usertype` AS `usertype`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`block` AS `block`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`sendEmail` AS `sendEmail`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`gid` AS `gid`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`registerDate` AS `registerDate`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`lastvisitDate` AS `lastvisitDate`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`activation` AS `activation`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`params` AS `params` from `databasename1``.`jos_users`;"

After that, we have a new view of jos_user of database1. If we have new insert, or modification or delete, it will affect for the real table in database1.

Hope that can help you!

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How to get a link to see all ads of listbingo?

I have had a time searching how to get a menu all items of listbingo, but i can. Listbingo seem very powerful but it is complicated for user, specially with free versions. Finally, I decide to change code a little to get this item. I create a new view, that means a new control file. It all named categoriesal.

Download at: all items listbingo extensions for free. Then copy categoriesal.php to controller and categoriesal folder to view.

The main idea is that i have set country and region to 0, that means all items.

See more article about list bingo: how to remove footer of listbingo

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Dash (-) before Title on Each Joomla Page

Dash (-) is used in Joomla page titles to separate the Site Name and the Page Name. For example: "Our Company Site - About Us." If you happen to see pages as " - About Us", then this implies two things. One is that you have chosen to show the Site Name in the title on each page and that is why Joomla is putting the dash in the title; to separate the site and page name. Second, it implies that your site name was left blank. As a result you have the dash separating a blank space and the page name. Simply check your settings and give your site a name!
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404 Error After Deleting Main Menu

If you accidentally (or knowingly) deleted your Joomla site's main menu and tried making a new homepage link with separator, this may not function correctly and you may end up getting a 404 error. To ensure that this doesn't happen, all you need to make sure is that "separator" is not chosen as the menu type, but rather choose "internal link." So, when you go to Articles/Frontpage, just make sure you don't choose "Separator and Alias."
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Joomla! System info

System info, like the name say here you can find information about your Joomla! website, and information about the web server, the server that hosts your website.

You can access System info by going to Help -> System info, in the Joomla! main menu.

Here, we have five tabs:

  1. System Info, 
  2. PHP Settings, 
  3. Configuration File, 
  4. Directory Permissions, 
  5. PHP Information.

In the System Information tab we can find details about the operation system, database version, PHP version, web server (Apache in our case), Joomla! version and the user agent(your browser's type).

PHP Settings tab, show's information about php setting relevant to Joomla!

Configuration file tab, is a preview of configuration.php file, found in Joomla!'s folder.

Things you see here you can modify in Joomla! Global Configuration.

Directory Permission tab, show's a list of folder's in which Joomla! must have write access.

This feature you may use after you upload your website, to test if everything is okay.

PHP Information tab, is what the name say. It show information about your, php configuration.

Is like the "phpinfo()" function.

I hope you found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

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Joomla! 1.5 Global Configuration

The Global Configuration can be access through  the top joomla menu, Site -> Global Configuration, or in the main Control Panel, click on Global Configuration.

The Global Configuration screen is divided into three areas: Site, System, and Server. allowing you to configure the Joomla! website with your personal settings.

Joomla! Global configuration SITE 

Site Settings, Metadata Settings, SEO Settings.

In Joomla! Site Settings we can put the site in offline mode and set a message for our users with why the website is offline. The message will be displayed under the website's name.

Still here you can change the website's name, you can change the editor you use to write your articles (hint: I use JCE editor for Joomla!), here you can change the number of articles displayed in the Feed list (RSS) or you could change the default number of items displayed in a Joomal! list. (the list of articles, the list of plug-ins, menus, modules, etc..)

Here is PrintScreen of where this number is.

In Joomla! Metadata Settings you can change the Global Site Meta Description and Global Site Meta Keywords.

The meta information will be displayed on every page of your website that has no other meta data information assign to it.

You can find the meta description and meta keyword at the beginning of the code of every page.

Joomla! SEO Settings makes your Jooma! website's URL search engine friendly.

What does that mean? First if you check the radio button for "Search Engine Friendly URLs", Joomla! will make your URL from:




Second if you check "Use Apache mod_rewrite", for this to work, you will have to rename the file htaccess.txt from your Joomla! install folder into .htaccess, yes there is a dot in front of htaccess.

This will transform your website's URL from:




Finally if you select all three options, meaning "Add suffix to URLs" also, your Joomla! website URL's will look like this:


Joomla! Global configuration System

System Settings, User Settings, Media Settings, Debug Settings, Cache Settings, Session Settings.

Joomla! System Settings is made of:  a secret word, the path to the log folder, web services and the path to the help file.

The secret word is a unique alphanumeric code for every Joomla! installation an is used internally for security propose.

The path to the log folder is where Joomla! stores all the logs.

Web Services are used for compatibility with third-party extension , but are usually set to "no".

Help Server set the server from where you'll get your help. To access help go to the top menu Help - > Joomla! Help.

Joomla! User Settings, work's with an active "Login" module and it sets if you let your users to register on your website, if they register, here you can set what type of access would they have, if they have to confirm the registration and if they can set some parameters.

Here is a print screen of a "Login" module with User Registration set to Yes. If registration is set to NO, the highlighted link will not appear.

Joomla! Media Settings here you set where Joomla! will store your media files.

File type is what kind of file you can upload trough Media Manager and the maximum file size, the default is ~10MB.

The Path to Media Folder is where all your media is stored, Path to Image Folder is where you keep your images for writing articles.

You will see that if you want to add a image to an article by clicking the image button you'll only see the images in this folder.

Restrict uploads, set to YES, restricts only those type of users that have access less then manager. Minimum User Level for Media Manager.

Here you can select which type of users have access to the media manager, you have to select the lowest access group.

Check MIME Types, this is a verification for the files type, for more information you can read mime media types.

Legal Image Extensions, this allows you to limit the type of image users can upload.

Ignored Extensions, what types of files will be ignored. Legal MIME Types / Illegal MIME Types, better left as is, only for advanced users.

Enable Flash Uploader, the default is "No", if set to "Yes", may appear problems due to flash setting.

Debug Settings, here you have two options Debug System and Debug Language, by default both are set to off, if you activate Joomla! debug system you'll get something like the print screen below every page, showing you what Joomla! loads and what errors appear if there are any.

If you want Joomla! to use cache, here is the place you have to look.

In the Cache Settings you can enable/disable cache, set the maximum length of time the cache will be stored before it is refreshed, and the caching mechanism. I do recommend you not to use the cache system in the development period of your website.

In Session Settings you can configure the Session Lifetime, where you set how long a user can stay signed in, before the system disconnect it for inactivity, and the type of Session Handler.

I recommend setting a higher value for the session lifetime in the development stage of your website, so that you don't have to reconnect frequently, but don't forget to set it back to a lower value when you launch the site on the web.

Joomla! Global configuration Server

Server Settings, Locale Settings, FTP Settings, Database Settings, Mail Settings.

In Server Settings you can set, the Path to Temp-folder, where Joomla! keeps it's temp files, the website's "GZIP Page Compression" which could make it load faster (This option by default is turn off, if you want to turn it on, first check your server if it's supports GZIP Compression).

Also in Server Settings, you can set the appropriate level of error reporting, and configure your Joomla! system to use SSL for some areas of the website(I recommend using this option only if you know what your doing. Advanced user only).

Locale Settings, here you set the Time Zone of your website, which should be the same as the web server time zone.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), if you don't have access to use the php upload function, Joomla! can use, this FTP build in function. To enable this function you'll need a your ftp host name, the port is usually 21 (the default), an username and a password for the Joomla! system to have access and finally the path to the folder where Joomla! will upload the files, this being the FTP Root in the configuration screen.

Database Settings, this settings were made during the Joomla! install process.

Here we can set the database type, in most cases is mysql, the hostname, the name of the server that hosts the database, the username, the password and the database's name.

Database prefix is a feature that allows you to have multiple Joomla! installations in the same database.

Warning! do not change anything here, unless, you know what you're doing.

Mail Settings. Three option here:

  • PHP Mail Function(mail function build in PHP) is the default,

  • Sendmail is typically used when you want to sent a HTML email.

  • SMTP Server uses the site's SMTP server and you have to fill all the fields that start's with SMTP.

Mail From and From Name are the the email and the name that will be used for sending email, by default Joomla! fills "From Name" with the site's name. The "Mail From" is the email you were asked for at the Joomla! installation.

This is it with the Joomla! Global Configuration, I hope you liked it and understood it, thank for reading.
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Step by step picture tutorial on how to install Joomla! 1.5

Here is a free tutorial on how to install Joomla! 1.5.

This tutorial presumes that you already have a web-server installed on your PC, and that you extracted the Joomla installation archive in the public folder of the web-server.(If not, click on installing xampp for Joomla)

This being said let's start.

Open your favorite browser and type in the address bar http://localhost.

This window should appear.

Chose your installation language and click next. (top right corner).

Here the Joomla! setup checks your system if  it meets the minimum requirements for installation.

You can read this article Xampp installation for running joomla! to turn all checks green.

Joomla is free, open, and available to anyone under the GPL license. So if you accept the license click next.

Joomla! Database Configuration.

In this screen you are asked for five things, this Joomla! tutorial is for fresh install and we have nothing to do with the Advanced Settings.

First thing we are asked is the database type which I recommend leaving it to MySql, the default setting.

In the Host Name field we can type localhost considering the fact that we are installing joomla on our computer.

For this installation we can use the user root with no password, that is automatically created when xampp is installed, or if you created another user you can type it here.

In the Database Name field I usually type the website name. You can type almost any name you like, so if you filled everything click next.

This is to enable Joomla! FTP file system layer. For this instalation we do not need that so you can click next.

In this window we will fill the web site name, an email address for the super administrator and a password.

And to see how a Joomla! web site looks we are going to install the sample data, so click on the button.

After we will click next we are going to be directed to the final setup window where we asked to delete the installation folder.

Go to drive:\xampp\htdocs and delete the installation folder, then click on the site button in the top right corner.

This is the default Joomla! instalation website with data sample.

To acces the administration section type http://localhost/administrator in your address bar of your browser.

Type in the username field admin and in the password field the password you chose earlier in the setup.

This is the administration section of Jooma!, from here we will create menus, change the website language, add content and much more.

If you have any question please feel free to comment.
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