JComment is a big components for joomla, bothjoomla 1.5 andjoomla 2.5. It also means that it is so complicated.
Today, I want to change the object link of each comment. Because, each time, users click on this link, I want it open with a better link than jcomment did.But it's really hard to find out where it is. First I look at object.php of models folder, object.php of class folder in admin. Finally I know it is folder com_jcomment/plugins.
In this folder you have a list of components that jcomment integrated.
I, myself want to modify admanagers link, so I open com_adsmanager.plugin.php file.
In this file you 'll see a line like this:
This is the link of object, now, you can edit as you like.
Hope this is helpful for you.
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