Now, turn back to your admin site. Check again, it has been displayed.
How to display menu of component in creating menu in joomla 1.6, joomla 1.7?
Now, turn back to your admin site. Check again, it has been displayed.
How to disable component on front page?
In most template, the component always display at one position. If there nothing to display, it still stand there, that make our page seem ugly. There is an easy way to handle this problem for five step.
Step1: Create a new module position. For example we create module position intro:
Joomla Plugin auto insert links for keywords - a good seo plugin
This plugin will replace keyword by a link with keyword. IT will search for all keywords in content, and replace it with tag . This is really helpful for your site seo.
After you install Joomla 1.6 you will see a text in the content area “Home”. This is actually a breadcrumbs area. When you navigate to other pages or categories you will see the category links appended to the “Home”. It’s basically a link map of all the pages you visited on your website. Just like when you visit or, you will see all the links you went through on the website to get to your current page. Although helpful, it is not entirely necessary.
After you install this plugin you will have:
After you install joomla 1.6 you will see a text in the content area “Home”. This is actually a breadcrumbs area. When you navigate to other pages or categories you will see the category links appended to the “Home”. It’s basically a link map of all the pages you visited on your website. Just like when you visit or, you will see all the links you went through on the website to get to your current page. Although helpful, it is not entirely necessary.
- keywords must ending with a space.
- If number of keywords > 1, user ; to separate these keywords.
- Each keyword must have one link.
- For exmple
- keyword is: keyword1 ;keyword2 then link is: link1;link2
- Delete cache before refresh your page to see the result quickly
Why you need plugin jwseolink?
When the content must be upgrate continuously, the keyword we seo would be changed quickly. It takes much time if we rewrite the old article. It must be a technique for us to do it quickly. JWseolink is the best solution for you.
You can download jwseolink1.5 or jwseolink1.6 at
Tutorial of jwuser version 1.3 for joomla 1.6 have released new version of jwuser, it is jwuser version 1.3 for joomla 1.6.
As we know, in joomla 1.6, the user system of joomla have changed a lot. It have different group, and user can defined group. Jwuser v1.3 have to change the core of previous version 1.2 to suitable with it. In this version, jwuser will manage your users of your site with com_user of joomla. You can modify information of your website users in jwuser or in joomla user. Website user can also modified their information at front-end by myaccount page of jwuser.
You can still use the system activation of joomla. When your website user have to pay to register, this activate system is not useful. You can turn it off at component user of joomla.
You can see tutorial how to disable new account registrations in joomla 1.6 here.
Remember, add your user into jwuser component, and enable it before you install plugin jwlogin v1.3, and enable it. After that, if you link to uninstall jwuser component, remember unable jwlogin first for later login.
How to disable joomla 1.6 new user registrations
To remove the register link on your Joomla 1 .6 site, here is how to do it:
1. Login to your Joomla 1.6 Administrator backend.
2. Click on ‘Users’, ‘User Manager’. Click on the button on the right side ‘Options‘.
3. Set ‘Allow User Registration’ = “No”
That’s it. Save your options and refresh your site. You will see in the login part of your screen, the Register link is no longer there. To add it back you can go through the same channels and set ‘Allow User Registration’ = “Yes”.
To manage your Users better, you can use jwuser. It helps you to add more field, more group and many other features. You can download it here and see jwuser v 1.3 toturial for more detail.
How to add component submenu in joomla 1.6
Joomla 1.5 programmer will be confused about submenu of component. In joomla 1.5, they don't have to worry, it automatic displays when we add submenu by xml install file or insert dirrect to jos_component table in database. Now in joomla 1.6, it is not like that. We have to add it manually.
My suggestion is that we add it in toolbar file with this:
$vName =$task;
JSubMenuHelper::addEntry( JText::_('name'), 'link_to_your_task', $vName == 'taskname' );
$task is your task or view of your component. The first line let joomla know which menu is active. IF you have 5 menu, replace the taskname, name, and link by 5 menus name, taskname and link.
Jwuser tutorial- config payment gateway and one user access by jwuser 1.2
We are very happy to inform you that new version of jwuser: jwuser 1.2 have been release. In this version we have some new points:
It has been integrated with paypal payment. User can automatic register, choosing package, and auto publish after payment.
It has been integrated with a counter that make sure that one account can be accessed by one user of an computer (that means one account can be logined for only one ip at a time)
You can download jwuser 1.2 at
Remember to run the second function, you have to uninstall the older plugin jwlogin, download and implement plugin jwlogin v1.2. After install, please go to plugin management. Change the order of the plugin jwlogin to number 1 and plugin joomla to number 2. Click save and finish.
Every error and other questions, please comment here.
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