A module of latest classified of list bingo

The last two tutorials I have said about how to remove the power by of listbingo and how to show all item of list bingo. This time i will talk about how to create latest classified of list bingo.

First: please download the source file at jw-extensions.net that include one controller and a latest classifield module.

Then: Unzip the file, copy the latestad.php to controller folder. Then install this module. It will display newest classified of all country. We can do this by an ajax call to file latestad controller.

If you like this and it's helpful for you, please donate us or click google like. Thank you for reading.

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How to raise up your website page rank at jw-extensions.net

There is an easy and quickly way for you to increase yours website page rank by adding your website to webdirectory at jw-extensions.net . Here is 3 step to subscribe your webiste:

Step 1: Login as your account

Step 2: Click to Open Webdirectory

Step 3: Enter your website link and its description

You have finished all step. Now you can see result:

If you want to change or delete your website, please click to my website.

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A new good user and membership management component for joomla 1.5

There some good user and membership management but it is not free. Now we present here a new good user management component, jwuser component for joomla 1.5.

Through this component, user can:

  • register by his own register page.
  • login through mod user login
  • choose for themselves a package with time before expired
  • can upgrade package throught edit page

Administrator can:

  • Add, edit or delete users
  • Add, edit or delete extra field for user registration.
  • Add, edit or delete group (package) of user
  • Import user from com_users to com_jwusers
  • Check to unpublish expired users.

You can download here for version 1.0: jwuser v.10

Some images from component:

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Hack joomla core - Registration without email

In joomla registration, email is required field. In some case, we want user have right to enter email or not, we have no config field to choose. It 's the reason why we have to change some code of joomla.

If you want user can register with no required email field, there are 2 step:

1. go to library/joomla/database/table/user.php

Go to line 155 and delete:

if ((trim($this->email) == "") || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($this->email) ) {

$this->setError( JText::_( 'WARNREG_MAIL' ) );

return false;


Go to line 182 and delete:

// check for existing email

$query = 'SELECT id'

. ' FROM #__users '

. ' WHERE email = '. $this->_db->Quote($this->email)

. ' AND id != '. (int) $this->id


$this->_db->setQuery( $query );

$xid = intval( $this->_db->loadResult() );

if ($xid && $xid != intval( $this->id )) {

$this->setError( JText::_( 'WARNREG_EMAIL_INUSE' ) );

return false;


2. Go to database by phpadmin or whatever

- Check the email field in jos_users that can insert null field

- delete the unique key of email field

Everything 's done. Hope that help!

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Some beautiful image gallery module

There are hundreds of image module gallery, but i list here 2 module that I suppose that they are the best.

1. Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow

You can download Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow version in joomla 1.5 here.

There are many option for us to choose the type of effects of transitions


This module user flash object, it load slowlier than the Flash-Style jQuery Slideshow module, but we can insert description. There many parameter for us to config.

You can download version in joomla 1.5 here, and joomla 1.6 here.

Install and try. You can also perchase a commercial version at owner site.

See demo link here.

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A module to create beautiful image button

Sometimes we want to create a simple image button with some action like change from black to color. With jwimagebutton it's very easy.

First, you create 2 images one is white-black color and one is colorful.

Then download jwimagebutton from jw-extensions.net.

Finally fill the path of image, the url, and the image title. The uniqueid is use when we user more than one module in a same page.

See the demo for more detail.

Hope that's will help you.

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How to create a folder with read and write permission in joomla?

In many modules, example module jvheadline, jvnews, or some module for slide show, it is usually need a written permission for thumbnail image folder. Some you can change write permission by fpt, but some time image folder is created by command for example: JFolder::create($thumbImgFolder); .

We should change this command into: JFolder::create($thumbImgParentFolder,0777);

This will set written permission for this folder right after it is created.

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How to have same user of two different sites?

When we have a system of relate site, and we want they have the same user. It will decrease the time of user to register new account. How to have the same accounts?

I have a solution for this problem.

We have to install these database in one server. For example we have two database joomla. We drop the jos_user of the second database. Then, user the root account to execute the sql command follow:

"CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`user_root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `databasename2`.`bus_users` AS select `databasename1``.`jos_users`.`id` AS `id`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`name` AS `name`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`username` AS `username`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`email` AS `email`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`password` AS `password`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`usertype` AS `usertype`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`block` AS `block`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`sendEmail` AS `sendEmail`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`gid` AS `gid`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`registerDate` AS `registerDate`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`lastvisitDate` AS `lastvisitDate`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`activation` AS `activation`,`databasename1``.`jos_users`.`params` AS `params` from `databasename1``.`jos_users`;"

After that, we have a new view of jos_user of database1. If we have new insert, or modification or delete, it will affect for the real table in database1.

Hope that can help you!

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How to get a link to see all ads of listbingo?

I have had a time searching how to get a menu all items of listbingo, but i can. Listbingo seem very powerful but it is complicated for user, specially with free versions. Finally, I decide to change code a little to get this item. I create a new view, that means a new control file. It all named categoriesal.

Download at: all items listbingo extensions for free. Then copy categoriesal.php to controller and categoriesal folder to view.

The main idea is that i have set country and region to 0, that means all items.

See more article about list bingo: how to remove footer of listbingo

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YH: huonggiangdhtn
Skype: tthuonggiang
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